I paint the books that change people’s lives, that make us who we are. In this ridiculous year that alternates between supremely inspiring (smash that highest glass, HRC!) and supremely depressing (ugh, I can’t even type his name), I have been thinking a *LOT* about equality, privilege, and love, for women and men of all races and orientations. There’s one thing that has shown me how pervasive sexist shit still is AND helped me feel better about all the things being done to overcome it: the She-Woman Misogyny Haters Club, started by Ms. Jen Bekman on Facebook. Despite the name, there are both male and female members, and many of them gave their excellent input on what books made them the feminists they are today (like We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie), or taught them that it’s totally awesome to be a girl (A Wrinkle in Time!) or woman. There are even a few new books by club members, including Grace Bonney’s In the Company of Women and Julie Scelfo’s The Women Who Made New York.
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